The organizational session messages from Florida House Speaker Danny Perez and Senate President Ben Albritton were more populist in tone ...
The organizational session messages from Florida House Speaker Danny Perez and Senate President Ben Albritton were more populist in tone ...
It may seem like a hoax, but it is not: the Florida Dental Association (FDA) is fighting tooth and nail ...
Today, American Children’s Campaign proudly announced two grants to support increasing access to quality, affordable oral health care in Florida ...
Nearly ALL Floridians agree access to oral health care is a statewide public health emergency. A two-tier system exists: Those ...
Injustice by Geography is widespread in Florida. Children are suffering the long-term consequences of an arrest while others have no ...
It is infuriating to read about more disturbing incidents in the troubled teen industry, this time a youth riot at ...
The high cost of dental care, long wait times for appointments, and inability to find dentists who take their insurance ...
At a time when juvenile crime continues its downward trend, and policy could and should focus on improving and fixing ...
Linda Sutherland, the founding chair of American Children’s Campaign, then known as The Children’s Campaign, passed away on Sunday, February ...
Juvenile justice policymaking in Florida is like walking in a forest without a compass. It drifts in one direction then ...
As the Florida Legislature speeds forward with creating the 2024-25 state budget, the only official duty required of them annually, ...
To report these past few weeks as having been unique would be an understatement. One committee week was also dedicated ...
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